23.2 Open Strategies for Scaled and Masters Athletes

Written By Charleh Knighton  |  CrossFit, The Open 

Compared to workout one in the CrossFit Open 2023 workouts (23.1), there is very little difference when it comes to the scaled to RX'd versions of 23.2.

But first, here are the 23.2 workouts for the CrossFit Open workouts for scaled and masters athletes....

CrossFit Open 23.2 Workout (Scaled)


Complete AMRAP 15 minutes:

5 burpees to target

10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)

*Add 5 burpee targets after each round.


Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:

1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

CrossFit Open 23.2 Workout (Masters 55+)


Complete AMRAP 15 minutes:

5 burpee pull-ups

10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)

*Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round.


Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:

1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

CrossFit Open 23.2 Workout (Masters 55+ Scaled)


Complete AMRAP 15 minutes:

5 burpees to target

10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)

*Add 5 burpee target after each round.


Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:

1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

To find out more about the full divisions of CrossFit Open 23.2 workouts continue reading here.

How to crush your 23.2a CrossFit Open workout score

In our 23.2 strategies and tactic article, on how to crush part a & b of the workout we share many tips on how you can get your best score yet.

For many athletes these tips will apply, but for the few, there are one or two extra tactics that will help you get you PR.

  1. Don't jump higher than needed for the burpee
  2. Don't look at the bar - just jump!
  3. Switch the grip - you don't need to do the standard grip, mix it up, switch it and even supinated it. Make sure your arms stay as fresh as possible for part b.
  4. Bonus: step up to complete the burpee (save those legs!)

And, that's it!

As we outline in our main article, this workout is won on the run. So, if you're able to consistently work through the burpees to a target, you've got this.

You can see exactly how to make the most of the run through quick step turn and 3 point contact in our YouTube video here.

That being said, if you keep our two points in mind, you may win an extra rep here and there that might just top the leaderboard!

How to crush your 23.2b CrossFit Open workout score

The limiting factor here is getting the bar off the ground. Your arms will be tired from part a so don't think you're going in FRESH and able to crush a new PR straight away. Yes, with Friday Night Lights adrenaline running through you, we can always find that extra 5 - 10%.

But to achieve a killer score, we recommend taking these steps;

  1. Before starting the workout, make sure you've practiced the movement and loaded the bar to a "reasonable" weight for you.
  2. You want to go into your first attempt at a "low"(ish) to heavy weight that you can confidently hit. Your arms will be tired so you want to be sure that you get a score on the door.
  3. You ideally want to squat clean into the thruster squat position straight into the push into the overhead position. You can see this demonstrated here.
  4. Make sure you've planned your weight progressions in advanced and let you judge know. Use the people around you to give you the best score and save time. They have energy to load your bar while you rest.
    You should have time for 3-5 attempts.
  5. If you're used to it, wear a weight belt. Give your torso that extra support.

We've written the ultimate guide to Thrusters and how you can crush them on this video article here.

So, there's only one thing let to be said - good luck!

Do you want more? Did you know that we have an online training program that's specially designed to help CrossFit Masters athletes? Over the years, we've had huge success helping athletes achieve their goal and even go to the CrossFit Games! 
You can find out more here.

The only links you need for the 2023 CrossFit Open:


Blog: 23.2 Open Announcement: How To Watch It

Blog: 23.2 Open Workouts & Standards

Blog: 23.2 Open Strategies and Tactics

Blog: 23.2 Open Strategies for Scaled and Masters Athletes

Blog: 23.2 Open Strategy Re-do


Blog: CrossFit Open 23.1 Workout & Standards

Blog: CrossFit Open 23.1 Strategy & Tips

YouTube Video: CrossFit Open 23.1 Strategy & Tips

YouTube Video: CrossFit Open: 5 Stages of 23.1

CrossFit Season

Blog: Our Workout Predictions for the CrossFit Open Season 2023

Blog: 2023 CrossFit Season Changes You Can Expect

Blog: Top Tips for 2023 CrossFit Season

Follow us on social media for real-time tips and updates on the 2023 CrossFit Open:





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