Add Accessory Programming to Get Better at CrossFit®

Written By Ben  |  Accessory Programming 

Hey everyone, it's Ben from WODprep, and I'm excited to introduce a brand new series dedicated to enhancing your CrossFit® performance and aesthetics. In this three-part series, we'll dive into the accessory movements you can incorporate into your training to improve your fitness and look better naked.

The Six Core Components

At WODprep, we believe in six essential accessory components that well-rounded athletes should integrate into their routines. Four of these are crucial for improving CrossFit® performance, and two focus on aesthetics but also benefit performance.

For many of us in the northern hemisphere, beach body season is here, so looking better naked is a great added bonus.

While many CrossFit® boxes focus on fitness, we often miss out on bodybuilding elements. In this article, I’ll cover the six core components and how they overlap to enhance your training.

The Three Core Components

  1. Skills: Working on specific skills can significantly improve your performance in CrossFit®. This includes mastering techniques like muscle-ups, double-unders, and handstand walks.

  2. Strength: Developing raw strength is crucial. This involves lifting heavy weights and building the power needed for various CrossFit® movements.

  3. Aesthetics: While skills and strength are vital, many of us also want to look good. Adding aesthetic work helps build and define muscles, giving you that beach-ready body.

The Six Accessory Types

Here are the six types of accessory work you can add to your programming:

  1. Gymnastics (G): Gymnastics movements improve skills and strength. Exercises like bar muscle-ups, pull-ups, and toes-to-bar enhance your athletic abilities while also contributing to aesthetics.

  2. Strength (S): This includes barbell work focused on raw strength. While primarily aimed at increasing power, it also helps with muscle growth and definition.

  3. Weightlifting (W): Olympic lifts like snatches, cleans, and jerks combine strength and skill. These technical movements are essential for CrossFit® athletes.

  4. Engine (E): Building your engine, or endurance, is key. This involves high-intensity cardio and pacing skills, helping you maintain performance over long workouts.

  5. Bodybuilding (B): Hypertrophy training targets muscle growth and definition. Exercises like bicep curls, shoulder raises, and goblet squats enhance both aesthetics and strength.

  6. Core (C): A strong core is fundamental for all CrossFit® movements. Core work improves stability, supports heavy lifts, and helps you achieve those defined abs.

Why Mobility Isn't Included

You might notice that mobility isn’t a separate category. That's because mobility should naturally improve through regular practice of skills, strength, and weightlifting. Dynamic movements and proper form will enhance your range of motion without the need for dedicated mobility sessions.

accessory programming to get better at crossfit®

Your Turn

Now that we've covered the six accessory categories and the three core components, I want to hear from you. What are two areas you need to work on?

Leave a comment below with the accessory categories you want to focus on.

In the next article, I'll share specific drills and examples for each category to help you integrate them into your training effectively.

For me, I'd focus on engine and bodybuilding to boost my endurance and muscle definition. How about you? Share your thoughts, and let's get better together!

What's Next?

In the upcoming article, I'll provide practical examples of gymnastics, strength, weightlifting, engine, bodybuilding, and core exercises. I'll also discuss how to structure your accessory programming, how often to train, and which components pair well together.

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