Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Chest-Facing Handstand Push-Ups

Chest-facing handstand push-ups (HSPU) bring a new level of challenge to the traditional HSPU. This movement demands not just upper body strength but also precise core stability and positioning. In this guide, we’ll dive into the essentials of mastering this skill, covering advanced techniques and pitfalls to avoid.

Understanding Chest Facing Handstand Push Ups

To execute a chest-facing HSPU, you perform a handstand push-up while facing the wall, maintaining a hollow body position throughout. This setup is crucial for avoiding the common mistake of arching the back and losing core engagement, which can occur in traditional HSPUs.

1. Starting Position

  • Begin lying on the ground with your chest and thighs touching the wall.
  • Perform a wall walk to get into a handstand position against the wall. Ensure your hands are placed on the tape marks, which are typically 10 inches from the wall and 30 inches apart.

2. Execution

  • Core Engagement: Keep your core tight and your glutes engaged to maintain a solid hollow body position.
  • Head Position: Lower your head to the ground, making sure it forms a tripod position with your hands. Your head should touch slightly in front of your hands.
  • Touch and Go: Avoid resting at the bottom. As soon as your head touches the ground, drive back up immediately. Use a padded mat to cushion the impact and protect your head and neck.
  • Foot Position: Allow your toes to point and flex slightly as you press up. This can provide a bit of leverage and help reduce friction against the wall.

3. Dismounting

  • After completing your reps, either wall walk back down or carefully dismount without flipping or rolling dangerously.

Best Skill Progressions Perfect for Improving Your Chest Facing Handstand Push Ups

Step 1: Build a Strong Foundation with Strict HSPUs

Before diving into chest-facing HSPUs, ensure you have a solid foundation with strict HSPUs. Focus on building the necessary shoulder strength.

Key Points:

  • Keep your core engaged to avoid arching your back.
  • Maintain a straight line from your wrists to your hips.
  • Control your descent and press with power on the ascent.

Step 2: Strengthen Your Overhead Press with the Z-Press

The Z-Press is great for improving your ability to press overhead without arching your back. It targets your shoulders and core, helping you maintain a stable midline during HSPUs.

How to Perform the Z-Press:

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.
  2. Hold a barbell or dumbbells at shoulder height.
  3. Press the weight overhead while keeping your core tight and back straight.
  4. Lower the weight back to your shoulders with control.


  • Start with a manageable weight to ensure proper form.
  • Gradually increase the weight as you build strength.

Step 3: Develop Control with Pike HSPUs on a Box

Pike HSPUs with your feet on a box replicate the upside-down stance of a handstand while easing the strain on your shoulders. This step is perfect to improve your strength and balance required to nail full HSPUs.

How to Perform Pike HSPUs on a Box:

  1. Place your feet on a box and hands on the floor, forming an inverted V shape with your body.
  2. Lower your head to the ground by bending your elbows.
  3. Press back up to the starting position.


  • Focus on maintaining a straight line from your hands to your hips.
  • Control your descent and avoid flaring your elbows.

Step 4: Practice Wall-Facing Negatives

Wall-facing negatives are key for strengthening your control during the descent phase of the HSPU. They're designed to reinforce your body alignment and balance as you lower yourself down.

How to Perform Wall-Facing Negatives:

  1. Kick up into a handstand facing the wall.
  2. Slowly lower yourself down, aiming to touch your head to the ground with control.
  3. Use your feet to descend back to the starting position.


  • Keep your core engaged and avoid arching your back.
  • Control your descent to maximize strength gains.

Step 5: Perform Wall-Facing HSPUs to Mats

Starting with a higher surface gives you the chance to work on your full range of motion without going all out. As you lower the number of mats, you'll amp up the challenge, increasing your strength and don't forget your confidence!

How to Perform Wall-Facing HSPUs to Mats:

  1. Place a stack of mats under your head.
  2. Kick up into a handstand facing the wall.
  3. Lower yourself until your head touches the mats.
  4. Press back up to the starting position.


  • Start with a stack of mats that allows you to perform the movement with good form.
  • Gradually remove mats as you build strength and confidence.

Advanced Techniques

Toe Flexing for Lockout Assistance:

  • At the bottom of the movement, let your toes relax against the wall.
  • As you press up, actively flex your feet. This subtle movement can help you lock out the rep, especially in the final stages when you’re fatigued.

Consistent Hollow Body Position:

  • Maintain a tight core and engaged glutes throughout the entire movement.
  • Avoid letting your lower back arch which can compromise your form and efficiency.
Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Chest-Facing Handstand Push-Ups

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Resting at the Bottom: Resting at the bottom makes it much harder to push back up. Aim for a touch-and-go approach.
  • Losing Core Engagement: An arched back indicates a loss of core tension. Focus on maintaining a hollow body position.
  • Incorrect Head Position: Ensure your head touches the ground slightly in front of your hands to form a proper tripod position.
  • Improper Dismount: Avoid dismounting carelessly. Ensure you have enough energy left to dismount safely.

So, what’s next?

Mastering the chest-facing handstand push-up isn't just about strength—it's about honing your technique and building the right foundations. Follow these progressions to elevate your skills and conquer this challenging movement with confidence.

Remember to focus on maintaining a solid hollow body position, use the touch-and-go method, and apply advanced techniques like toe flexing for optimal performance. Happy training!

Want to learn more about HSPU? Check out the articles below:

Introducing the Chest-to-Wall Handstand Push-Up: A New CrossFit® Movement

Handstand Push Ups: The Ultimate Guide

Starting Simple: The Ultimate HSPU Progression

CrossFit Handstands For Beginners: How To Kick Up (And Build Strength)

CrossFit® Handstand Push-Up: Exciting Variations, Alternative and Workouts

Learn Handstand Push Ups Before The Open (To Crush These Skills)

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