CrossFit Handstand Walks Step by Step Progression

In this tutorial, I’ll be guiding you through a step-by-step approach to mastering handstand walks. A common mistake many people make when attempting handstand walks is jumping or kicking into it without proper progression.

This often leads to frustration and failure. I’m here to help you avoid that by providing a structured plan that builds your confidence and skills for successful handstand walks.

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CrossFit® Handstand Walks: Step-by-Step Progression
What Exactly Are Double Unders The Mystery Solved

Jumping rope isn’t just child’s play; it’s a high-intensity workout that can transform your cardio fitness, agility, and coordination. While single jumps have their place, the elusive double under (dub) takes your rope game to a whole new level.

If you’ve ever wondered what double unders are, why they’re worth the effort, or how to conquer them, you’ve come to the right place. From technique and benefits to troubleshooting and workouts, we’ve got you covered.

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What Exactly Are Double Unders? The Mystery Solved
CrossFit Open Mastery Crafting Your Path to Dominance

In the world of CrossFit®, the pinnacle of competition is the CrossFit® Open—an annual event that tests the mettle of athletes worldwide, challenging their physical and mental prowess. For those who strive to stand atop the leaderboard, mastering the art of CrossFit® Open preparation is essential.

It’s not just about sweat and strength; it’s about crafting a strategic approach that propels you to the zenith of performance. With that being said, community is at the heart of CrossFit®, and as long as you do your best, you’ll find the true being of the CrossFit® Open.

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CrossFit® Open Mastery: Crafting Your Path to Dominance
7 Top Beginner CrossFit Workouts

So, here’s the deal if you’re new to the whole CrossFit® scene. Imagine you’re peering through the window of a CrossFit® gym or catching a glimpse of a dedicated CrossFitter getting their sweat on at your local gym.

It’s easy to let that little voice in your head kick in, making you wonder if CrossFit® is just for the already-fit-and-strong crew.

Now, let’s talk about the “WOD” – that’s the Workout of the Day, in case you’re wondering. It’s like the bread and butter of training for rookie CrossFitters.

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7 Top Beginner CrossFit® Workouts
Mastering the Art of Toes-to-Bar Avoid These Common Mistakes

I’m here to help you conquer the elusive toes-to-bar movement. If you’ve been frustrated with your toes-to-bar progressions or finding it challenging to nail those T2B reps, stick around because this article is dedicated to addressing the most significant faults that might be holding you back.

By the end of this article, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to take your toes-to-bar game to the next level and string together those unbroken sets effortlessly.

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Mastering the Art of Toes-to-Bar: Avoid These Common Mistakes
How To Get Your First Handstand Walk Steps

Today, I’ve got some serious handstand walk steps to share with you, so if you’re tired of face planting during your handstand walk attempts, stick around.

Now, let’s dive right into it. If you’re aiming to conquer handstand walks, whether it’s for your CrossFit open workouts, local competitions, or just a personal challenge, I’ve got a step-by-step process that’s been a game-changer for thousands of athletes in our online Handstand Walk course.

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How To Get Your First Handstand Walk Steps
Kipping Pull ups for CrossFit 5 Steps

I’m about to lay down the scoop on mastering kipping pull-ups. If you’re aiming to up your pull-up game and snag some extra reps in a shorter span, you’re in the right place.

Sure, I hear the haters chiming in – these aren’t strict pull-ups, but remember, CrossFit has its own rhythm, and it’s all about maximizing output in minimal time.

So, if you’re game to learn the art of the kip, let’s dive into my five-step playbook.

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Kipping Pull-ups for CrossFit® (5 Steps!)