Learn bar muscle ups. 100% guaranteed.
Learn bar muscle ups. 100% guaranteed.

It’s time to take bar muscle ups seriously!
First, you need to understand something:
If you are capable of doing 4 strict pull-ups, 4 kipping chest to bar pull-ups, and 4 kipping toes to bar, then you have the ability to do bar muscle ups. You are ready.
However, being ready isn’t everything. You must know how to train in order to teach your body the exact way to behave. In order to truly master the art of bar muscle ups, you must train with a purpose!
You need a proven training system – one designed to help athletes just like you.
Instead of aimlessly practicing, watching random videos, and getting frustrated – you need to practice with a plan. You need to know the exact sets, reps and drills that lead to fast-tracked bar muscle up success.
Good news – you don’t need to guess any more …
WODprep is proud to announce that after months of testing, training, and video analysis – we are releasing the ULTIMATE bar muscle up development program.
It’s called Bar Muscle Up Mastery.
Here's a sneak peek of what you'll get...
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WHAT IS WODprep Academy?
WODprep Academy is an annual membership that gives you access to every course and bonus video WODprep has to offer.
Here’s a full list of the movements and courses that you can access right now as a WODprep Academy member...
Mobility/ Core / Recovery / Mental Strength:
Muscle Ups:
Other movements:
Nutrition And Cardio:
Featured Bonuses:
Upcoming, Included Courses:
Meet your instructor, Ben Dziwulski
Meet your instructor, Ben Dziwulski
Over the last several years I’ve been a box owner, trainer, regional-level athlete, and perhaps my favorite – a full time online coach.
My coaching tactics have been featured in BOXROX, Tabata Times, WodNews, RX Magazine, The WOD Life, and WOD Nation to name a few. As you’ll find out, I like to teach in a crystal-clear, easy-to-understand way. Most importantly, I like RESULTS.
So if you’re trying to finally “Rx” this difficult movement, I’ve got you covered!
So far, hundreds of athletes have made DRASTIC improvements using this exact training system.
Not sure if this is right for you? Check out the FAQ’s. You make the call.
And make sure you read about my unconditional money back guarantee. I want you to join the Rx division without any hesitations, and I’m willing to put everything on the line to make sure you are successful!
The results speak for themselves!
Limited spots available!
Get Bar Muscle Up Mastery today!
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Our guarantee to you!
If you don’t LOVE this training program, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.
Let me tell you why … I invite you to use Bar Muscle Up Mastery for a few weeks and measure your progress (which we’ll do inside the program). All I ask is that you watch the results. I’m confident you’ll be impressed.
I built this course over YEARS; pulling from both the self-learning AND coaching aspects of bar muscle ups. Using things that I’ve taught myself, and things that I’ve used to teach hundreds of athletes just like you.
I’ve thrown out all the things that didn’t work, which leaves everything that actually works – and THAT is what’ you’ll find on the inside of Bar Muscle Up Mastery. This course isn’t just about learning bar muscle ups (though you will certainly do that…) – it’s about knocking down the biggest obstacle that stands in your way on the road to becoming a better athlete.
It’s about simple coaching — my life’s work. And if I can help you permanently join the Rx division…or compete…or help you beat a few of your workout buddies in the next muscle up WOD…I consider it a job well done.
So here’s my simple offer: If you don’t LOVE this training program, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. It’s simple: Join the program and see for yourself.
Join before the class is FULL!
Get Bar Muscle Up Mastery today!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your "bar muscle up" guarantee?
How long do I have access to the course?
How do I know that I'm ready?
What if I’m really busy?
What if I’m unhappy with the course?
When does the course start and finish?
OR Four payments of $59
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Need support or have more questions?
Contact us at [email protected]