It's Time To Master the Butterfly for Ultimate Speed and Efficiency in Pull-up Workouts!
Picture yourself finally knocking out butterfly pull-ups in a workout...
Imagine the joy on your face, and the amazement on that of spectators! Think of the competitive possibilities that butterfly pull-ups will open up for you.
You will no longer be held back by the more time-consuming kipping variation. In competitions, you'll race through the pull-ups with ease while others flair around wasting time. The CrossFit® Open rolls around and not only will you be checking that prestigious ‘Rx’ box, you'll be at the top of the leaderboard with the best in your box.
The days of struggling through big sets of kipping pull-ups are behind you...
You did it! And it feels good!
Unfortunately, it's time to face reality...
Every day I get emails from athletes who feel stuck. They say things like "I keep losing my rhythm, yet everyone else makes it look so effortless!"
For many, kipping pull-ups have become the norm - and that's fine - but we both know there's a more efficient way. Unfortunately, it's a tricky movement to master.
There seems to be no middle ground; it’s pass or fail. And failing sucks.
Does this sound familiar?
It's not your fault! Here's the real reason...
You might be wondering...
"Why doesn't my coach help me with this stuff?!"
Here's why...
#1 - Many coaches don't understand your pull-up struggles because they’ve been knocking them out for years and don’t remember what it feels like to be in your situation.
#2 - Coaches don't always have time to worry about your personal struggles and goals. They're focused on getting through class and making sure that no one gets injured, cleaning, staying on time, etc ...
#3 - They don't have the capacity to write customized accessory programming for you, which is a seriously labor-intensive process.
How do I know this?
Because I WAS that coach!
When I was the owner of a CrossFit® box, I didn't have time to make custom programs for double unders, muscle ups, or pull-ups. There were over 100 athletes in my gym, and every hour of my day was focused on teaching great classes, staying on time, and trying to attract new members.
Unfortunately, helping people with their individual goals was put on the back burner, not out of neglect, but out of necessity ...
In class, with only ~15 minutes of warm-up, I'd always rely on these 3 options whenever pull-ups were programmed:
Kipping Pull-ups
Strict Pull-ups
Jumping Pull-ups
It was simple, it was quick, and it was safe. Everyone got a "good workout".
Like the coach who emailed me, I expected my athletes to naturally progress to butterfly pull-ups ...
But they didn't.
Months would go by, and the same people were still struggling to learn Butterfly Pull-ups. I kept hoping for them to make progress, but it never happened.
I tried working in better progressions before class, but it never paid off. Athletes weren't able to make it to every single pull-up WOD, and I didn't have the capacity to work 1-on-1 with everyone.
Back then, I wished there was a resource that would lay everything out step-by-step, giving the athletes an exact program to follow to reach their goals.
~ Fast forward 3 years ~
After selling my gym, getting married, and moving to a new city...
I decided, once and for all, that someone needed to create the EXACT step-by-step training programs for athletes around the world struggling with "Rx" movements.
So that's what I did. And here are the results:
The Courses
The Coaches
WODprep Academy
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What is WODprep Academy?
WODprep Academy is an annual membership that gives you access to every course and bonus video WODprep has to offer.
Here’s a full list of the movements and courses that you can access right now as a WODprep Academy member...
Mobility/ Core / Recovery / Mental Strength:
Muscle Ups:
Other movements:
Nutrition And Cardio:
Featured Bonuses:
Upcoming, Included Courses:
Your New Approach
Your mindset and strategy can ultimately be the difference between achieving your goals or not. Which one of these lines represents you?
Adapted from Mastery by George Leonard
The Hacker
Starts quickly with fast progress, but their improvement relies on 'hacks' and 'tricks'. It's not sustainable. They only go so far before the plateau comes, and then they happily sit in place. "Who needs the Rx division anyway?"
The Obsessive
Makes significant progress right away; going "all-out" by focusing every effort on pull-ups. Hours of work each day leads to ripped hands, tired arms, and admittedly, some quick progress. But when the progress stops, it's all over.
The WODprep Way
Doesn't jump on the latest bandwagon or quick tip. With focus, they makes consistent progress and they keep grinding forward. They have a plan. They stay focused. They never quit, and success comes.
you might be thinking...
“I’ve tried other similar programs, and they didn’t work”
There are several reasons another program didn’t work for you, so let’s take a look at why that happened. Perhaps it was a great program yet you fell off the wagon because you felt unsupported and left to your own devices. Maybe the set-up wasn’t very user-friendly and the hassle of following it wasn’t worth it.
With WODprep, we use software that’s as easy to use as any other app on your phone, tablet or laptop and every session is just the touch of a button away. Each session has in-depth tutorial videos and notes so you always know exactly what you're doing.
“I’ve been doing CrossFit® for years with no luck - learning butterfly pull-ups in 8 weeks is unrealistic.”
It’s easy for athletes to lose hope – particularly if they feel like they’ve been trying for as long as they can remember. While it might feel like you’ve been trying for years, you’ll be amazed at the result of setting aside 3 short, focused sessions per week combined with dedicated support from a team of experts! With the right program and the right consistency, you WILL see noticeable progress (we actually guarantee it!).
“I already train most days, I’m not sure I have time to fit this in.”
These short sessions are designed to fit around your existing programming - only 15 minutes per day, 3 days per week. Just get to the gym a little earlier, or leave a few minutes later, and you'll have the time to incorporate this into your normal routine!
“It’s not great timing for me right now”
You can start the program whenever you want! However, please know that we only open enrollment for a limited time. Even if you can't start now, buy the course and you can come back to it whenever you are ready. You have lifetime access, and the security of knowing it will always be there to help!
“How do I know this will work for me?”
This is a common obstacle for many; some even believe that a butterfly pull-up is outside of the realm of possibility, nevermind in 8 weeks! We’ve had athletes with similar concerns to you when they started. Just look at where they are now and allow yourself to believe that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.
"Butterfly Pull Up Breakthrough took me from 4 (terrible) reps to 19 unbroken within 8 weeks! The programming is very efficient and allowed me to be consistent with my practice. It’s great knowing exactly what needs to be done to achieve the results. The video feedback from the coaches was immensely helpful in identifying weak areas to focus on during the next session."
Georgia, Butterfly Pull-up Breakthrough Graduate
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Here’s what previous athletes had to say about their success with Butterfly Pull-up Breakthrough
"I started BPUB because I wanted to get to sets of CTB butterfly pull-ups instead of doing singles all the time. Not only did this course get me to sets of butterfly CTBs, it totally cleaned up and greatly improved the efficiency of my regular butterfly pullups. Turns out I didn't really have butterflies before, I was just brute forcing my way through. Now they're more effortless... like butter."
Todd, Butterfly Pull-up Breakthrough Graduate
Butterfly Pull-up Breakthrough will work for you, we actually 100% guarantee it.
If you don’t LOVE this training program, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.
Let me tell you why… I invite you to use Butterfly Pull-up Breakthrough for a few weeks and measure your progress (which we’ll do inside the program). All I ask is that you do the work and watch the results. I’m confident you’ll be impressed.
We’ve built this course over YEARS; pulling from both the self-learning AND coaching aspects of our fitness education. Using things that we’ve taught ourselves, and things that we’ve used to teach hundreds of athletes just like you.
We’ve thrown out all the things that didn’t work, leaving only things that actually work – and THAT is what you’ll find on the inside of Butterfly Pull-up Breakthrough. This course isn’t just about increasing strength (though you will certainly do that) – it’s about knocking down the biggest obstacle that stands in your way on the road to becoming a better athlete.
It’s about simple coaching — our life’s work. And if we can help you achieve your pull-up dream, we will consider it a job well done.
So here’s the simple offer: If you don’t LOVE this training program, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. It’s simple: Join Butterfly Pull-up Breakthrough and see for yourself.
So here’s the simple offer: If you don't hit a Butterfly Pull-up PR in 8 weeks, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. It’s simple: Join Butterfly Pull-up Breakthrough and see for yourself.
What you gain...
Target neglected muscles & fast-track pull-up success with our carefully planned strength program, introducing you to a host of new movements.
Butterfly Skill
Master the butterfly kip and how to make pull-ups more efficient for faster reps in competitive workouts. These skills will stick with you for life!
You’ll never train alone when you join our online community and interact with coaches and fellow athletes!
Train with confidence, safe in the knowledge that you have all the resources you need at the touch of a button.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your “NO B.S.” guarantee?
How long do I have access to the course?
How do I know that I'm ready?
What if I’m really busy?
What if I’m unhappy with the course?
When does the course start and finish?
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Need support or have more questions?
Contact us at [email protected]