Imagine being able to confidently perform unbroken Double Unders every time you pick up your rope...
Imagine being able to confidently perform unbroken double unders every time you pick up your rope...

Are you tired of being whipped by your jump rope?
Do you cringe every time you see double unders programmed in a WOD?
Do you constantly resort to single unders – settling for the scaled division?
Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. There are thousands of athletes just like you who go through double under battles every day. They even have the scars to prove it…
Does this look familiar?

As you can probably agree: there’s nothing more frustrating than struggling with double unders while everyone else in the gym makes them look effortless.

Today I want to show you how to consistently string together double unders!
First, you need to understand something:
If you are capable of doing 50+ single unders in a row, then you have the ability to do double unders. You are ready.
However, being ready isn’t everything. You must know how to train in order to teach your body the exact way to behave. In order to truly master the art of doubles, you must train with a purpose!
You need a proven training system – one that has helped hundreds of athletes just like you.
Instead of jumping all over the place, whipping yourself constantly, and getting frustrated – you need to practice with a plan. You need to know the exact sets, reps and drills that lead to long term double under consistency.
Which is why, WODprep created the ULTIMATE double under development program: Double Under Pro.

OR Four payments of $59

Here is a sneak peek at what you will get inside Double Under Pro...
"Double Under Breakdown"
Before starting
Many athletes don't know what good Double Unders should look like. We've broken every aspect into easy to understand lectures and videos.
“Test! Don't Guess”
Step 1
The Double Under Pro testing will allow you to set a base line to measure improvement but also assess where you should start.
"Where to Begin"
Step 2
After your assessment, you're ready to dive into the Double Under Pro programming or start with our added bonus course: Double Under Foundations.
“Zero to One”
Step 3
You’ll learn how to consistently hit double unders – even if you’re “uncoordinated” and have never done a single rep before.
“Going Unbroken”
Step 4
Learn how to hit multiple double unders in a row unbroken. No more “Single-Double-Single” in the middle of WODs. It’s time to go unbroken.
“Rope Control”
Step 5
Each week features fun, freestyle-inspired drills that positively impact DU learning. You'll come away with an expanded repertoire of jump rope skills.
"Work Capacity"
Step 6
With the basics under your belt, it's time to light a fire to your double under PR! We'll focus on % based training to increase the DU's you can hit.
Step 7
Once you make your “breakthrough” we will make sure it never leaves your side. You now have the tools to hit HUGE sets of 50, 75, or 100 DU's.
Fault Fixers
10 Faults, 10 Fixes
We’ll show you the most common double under mistakes and exactly how to fix them. The fault fixer series is a game changer!
“DUB Mobility”
Before and After Each Session
Every workout comes with WODprep doctor approved warm-up and cool down to help avoid injury and better recover.
Are you an athlete who has tried ‘everything’ and still nowhere close to getting consistent DU’s or feel other programs or sessions move too fast and double unders simply don't make sense to you?
Good news! We've developed a program just for you called,
Double Under Foundations
Not all athletes learn the same. Some prefer to work at their own speed, require more time to process what they are learning or really want to hone in the fundamentals before moving on.
Double Under Foundations is a 3 week self-assessed program (means at the end of the week, if you're happy with your progress, you graduate yourself to the next one) meant to slow down the first weeks of learning in Double Under Pro.
When you're ready to move onto Double Under Pro, you'll feel confident and skill ready.
Double Under Foundations comes bundled with Double Under Pro at no extra cost for Double Under Pro and WODprep Academy athletes.

Just like in Double Under Pro, I'll be there with you every step of the way.
Each session, I go through the workout and cover the drills, movements with tips of tips and tricks so you can get the most from each session.
We designed Double Under Foundations so you can succeed.
If you’re an athlete who gave DU’s a serious shot but were emotionally traumatized by the experience... Double Under Foundations may hold the key for you.
Join Double Under Pro and you’ll get Double Under Foundations as an added bonus.

Here is a sneak peek at what you will get...

"Double Under Breakdown"
Before you Begin
Many athletes don't know what good Double Unders should look like. We've broken every aspect into easy to understand lectures and videos.

“Test! Don't Guess”
Step 1
The Double Under Pro testing will allow you to set a base line to measure improvement but also assess where you should start.

"Where to Begin"
Step 2
After your assessment, you're ready to dive into the Double Under Pro programming or start with our added bonus course: Double Under Foundations.

“Zero to One”
Step 3
You’ll learn how to consistently hit double unders – even if you’re “uncoordinated” and have never done a single rep before.

“Going Unbroken”
Step 4
Learn how to hit multiple double unders in a row unbroken. No more “Single-Double-Single” in the middle of WODs. It’s time to go unbroken.

“Rope Control”
Step 5
Each week features fun, freestyle-inspired drills that positively impact DU learning. You'll come away with an expanded repertoire of jump rope skills.

"Work Capacity"
Step 6
With the basics under your belt, it's time to light a fire to your double under PR! We'll focus on % based training to increase the DU's you can hit.

Step 7
Once you make your “breakthrough” we will make sure it never leaves your side. You now have the tools to hit HUGE sets of 50, 75, or 100 DU's.

Fault Fixers
10 Faults, 10 Fixes
We’ll show you the most common double under mistakes and exactly how to fix them. The fault fixer series is a game changer!

“DUB Mobility”
Before and After Each Session
Every workout comes with WODprep physical therapy approved warm-up and cool down to help avoid injury and recover faster.
The results don't lie...
Meet your instructor,
Ben Dziwulski
Meet your instructor, Ben Dziwulski
Over the last several years I’ve been a box owner, trainer, regional-level athlete, and perhaps my favorite – a full time online coach.
My coaching tactics have been featured in BOXROX, Tabata Times, WodNews, RX Magazine, Make PODs Great Again, and WOD Nation to name a few. As you’ll find out, I like to teach in a crystal-clear, easy-to-understand way.
Most importantly, I like RESULTS.
So if you’re trying to finally “Rx” this difficult movement, I’ve got you covered!
So far, hundreds of athletes have made DRASTIC improvements using this exact training system.
Not sure if this is right for you? Look at the case studies below. Check out the FAQ’s. You make the call.
And make sure you read about my unconditional money back guarantee. I want you to join the Rx division without any hesitations, and I’m willing to put everything on the line to make sure you are successful!

WHAT IS WODprep Academy?
WODprep Academy is an annual membership that gives you access to every course and bonus video WODprep has to offer.
Here’s a full list of the movements and courses that you can access right now as a WODprep Academy member...

Mobility/ Core / Recovery / Mental Strength:
Muscle Ups:
Other movements:
Nutrition And Cardio:
Featured Bonuses:
Upcoming, Included Courses:
Hear what our recent graduates have to say!
Stéphane, USA
Jessica, USA
Randy, USA
Will, USA

Our guarantee to you!
If you don’t LOVE this training program, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.
Let me tell you why … I invite you to use Double Under Pro for a few weeks and measure your progress (which we’ll do inside the program). All I ask is that you watch the results. I’m confident you’ll be impressed.
I built this course over YEARS; pulling from both the self-learning AND coaching aspects of double unders. Using things that I’ve taught myself, and things that I’ve used to teach hundreds of athletes just like you.
I’ve thrown out all the things that didn’t work, which leaves everything that actually works – and THAT is what’ you’ll find on the inside of Double Under Pro.
This course isn’t just about learning double unders (though you will certainly do that…) – it’s about knocking down the biggest obstacle that stands in your way on the road to becoming a better athlete.
It’s about simple coaching — my life’s work. And if I can help you permanently join the Rx division…or compete…or help you beat a few of your workout buddies in the next double under WOD…I consider it a job well done.
So here’s my simple offer: If you don’t LOVE this training program, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. It’s simple: Join the program and see for yourself.
Get Unbroken Double Unders!
Get Unbroken Double Unders!
More Testimonials
The Courses
THE coaching
Why WODprep
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your “double under” guarantee?
How long do I have access to the course?
How do I know that I'm ready?
What if I’m really busy?
What is my double under guarantee?
What is WODprep Academy?
Testimonials from our Graduates


OR Four payments of $59