Workout of the Day

Asteroid Belt

Written By Nelson  |  Wall Balls 

18 min EMOM

Min 1: 10 Wall Balls
Min 2: 12/10 Cal Row
Min 3: 10 Push-Ups

*Increase wall balls by 2 reps every round*


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Use some medball cleans, good mornings, and some inchworms. This will prepares shoulders, chest, and legs for the high repetition demands of this EMOM.

Stimulus: Squatting endurance 

Strategy: Maintain a steady pace; Focus on good form on the wall balls, and as the sets get bigger don’t be afraid to break early to avoid burnout. For the row and push-ups, aim to complete movements in 40-45 seconds to maximize rest time.

  • Wall Balls: Ensure you squat to full depth (hip crease below the knee) to maximize power and efficiency. Keep your eyes on the target and aim for the same spot each time for consistency. Keep hands low on the ball.

  • Push-ups- Smaller sets will be very helpful here. With the increasing wall balls, don’t open with too big of sets so as to not fatigue the arms. 



This video explains a simple way to make Wall Ball Shots technique for WODs a little less annoying!


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