15 min AMRAP
10 Deadlifts, 225/185 lbs
15 Box Step-Overs (24/20”)
20 AbMat Sit-Ups
WODprep Strategy Top Tips:
Warm-up (10 minutes): We’ve got posterior chain work and core engagement today. Light deadlifts fire up the hamstrings, while step-ups and sit-ups get the legs and abs moving without early fatigue.
Stimulus: posterior chain endurance.
Strategy: Deadlifts should feel smooth and manageable. Box step-overs are all about consistency—pace them without rushing. Sit-ups are a great chance to reset your breathing and maintain steady transitions.
- Box Step Overs- Keep a strong and steady pace, making sure to touch the box with both feet.
- Deadlift- The deadlift should be a moderate weight that should be held unbroken for the first few rounds, then maybe some smart breaks toward the end that allow you to get right on the box.
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