Workout of the Day

Code Red

Written By Nelson  |  Rope Climbs 

For time: (9:00 time cap) Rope Climb
200m Run


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): We have a mix of pulling, pushing, and midline work in our workout today. Use dead hang from both the bar and the rope to warm up the lats. With the push, start with some scapular push-ups and inchworms, and get some negatives in to get the handstand pushup pattern feeling loose. Also make sure to use some side plank to warm up the back, because shuttle runs and GHDs can blow up the lower back if you’re not careful. 

Stimulus: Rope Climb Volume 

Strategy: Pace your rope climbs strategically by taking a deep breath and shaking out your arms between reps. Break early to avoid failure. During the runs, maintain a consistent pace to recover slightly but transition swiftly back to the rope to save time.

  • Rope Climb: Focus on efficient foot locks. Use your legs to minimize grip fatigue. Keep the rope close to your body and pull with your lats.

  • Run: Run at a controlled pace that allows quick recovery before returning to the rope. Use this time to regulate your breathing.Wanting to perfect your Rope Climbs? Watch this video from Ben to learn how to make the best wrap!

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