Workout of the Day

Divisability Rules

Written By Nelson  |  Toes To Bar 

11 Min AMRAP:

44 double unders
33 wall balls
22 toes to bar
11 power snatches, 115/75lbs

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): The Wall balls and toes to bar will take the biggest chunk of time here. Warm up with some goblet squats and some bar hangs. From there, hit some wall balls, and some V-ups, building into that toes to bar. The power snatch should be moderate, so warm up the hinge motion, and the overhead pattern with the empty bar. 

Stimulus: Larger chunk movement tolerance

Strategy: The goal today is getting better at tolerating bigger chunks of work. Be smart with your breaks and don’t be afraid to break more than you think you may need to, for the sake of sustainability 

  • Toes to Bar– Aim for smart sets here, and breaking at the right time as you get to those larger rounds if needed. 

  • Power Snatches– This should be a weight that you can hit some moderate sets, but going unbroken may not be the smartest idea unless you can hold it the entire time. 


Need help with T2B?

I’m going to teach you a step-by-step process that will finally get you to unbroken, kipping toes to bars.

Want to learn more?

FREE Toes to Bar Training Course.
Check out our Toes to Bar Progression article.

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