Workout of the Day

Dragon Dance

Written By Nelson  |  Burpees 

2:00 AMRAP
10 American Kettlebell Swings
10 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
Max Burpees in remaining time

–rest 1:00–

Load: 53/35 lbs

X4 sets


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warmup (7-10 minutes): Legs will be burning today. Some good mornings, broad jumps, and air squats will get them ready to go. Also make sure you get some burpees in your warmup.

Burpee capacity and leg endurance

Strategy: The Goal today should be to maintain or slightly improve burpee numbers each round. Note that 1:00 of rest is not a lot and you should find a burpee rhythm that is maintainable and repeatable. Ideally, the KB movements should be treated as a complex and unbroken if possible. 

  • American KB Swings – KB stays close to the body as a natural spine in engaged. Pop and drive through the glutes and hips to send the bell all the way overhead. 

  • Burpees– Use a chest-first burpee approach to save time and energy on your press. 


Want to get better at burpees in your workouts? Check the video below!

Want to learn more?

THE BEST burpee course, at the most affordable price!

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