Workout of the Day

Dust Bowl

Written By Nelson  |  Double Unders 

18 Min AMRAP:

40 Ski Calories
40 Single Unders
30m Sandbag Carry
30 Double Unders
20 Ski Calories
20 Crossover Singles
5 Sandbag to Shoulder


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Use some carries with Dumbbells or Kettlebells to get the arms and grip warm for the sandbag and ski. After that, spend some time working on some jump rope skills and figuring out if you need to scale of the jump rope movements 

Stimulus: Engine work mixed with Jump rope and odd object skills 

Strategy: Another workout that is on the longer side. This is one where you will most likely not get more than 2 rounds. Find a smooth pace on the ski erg that can be maintained in the first and second rounds. For the Sandbag carry, try to hold onto the bag for all 30 meters, but break halfway or in 10m increments if you need to. That is going to tax your midline and breathing so make sure you have a good grip. The jump ropes should be a slight annoyance, so don’t pick a movement where you will spend too much time bogged down.  

  • Ski Erg– The key to the Ski Erg is short but full strokes. Imagine yourself skiing. Arms up high, locked arms as you drive down leading with your chest, and then finish with your arms, aiming to bring your hands to your pockets. We want a higher stroke rate than on the rower

  • Sandbag Carry and Sandbag to Shoulder – Scop your hands as much as you can underneath the Sandbag. Drop your hips to a proper deadlift position. Deadlift the sandbag to your hip and pop to the torso for the bearhug carry. Try and lock your wrist to keep the sandbag in place. For the Sandbag to shoulder, perform the same mechanics. In the hip pop, use the momentum to clean up to the shoulder, and flash a nonworking hand to show support for the bag.

  • Crossover Single- For the Crossover Single under, a slightly longer and slightly heavier rope will be advantageous to your traditional Double under speed rope. Keeping your arms in tight will be key here. When crossing the rope, think about replacing the hand that was spinning with the other hand. The hands should be switching spots in terms of distance to your body. Keep the hands low as you cross and uncross, so that the rope length stays the same. Remember that each cross and UNCROSS counts as individual reps.

Tripping on your Dubs? Check out our video below:

Still struggling with your Double Unders or looking to level up your jump rope game?  We have you covered for everything!



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