Workout of the Day

Giga Drain

Written By Nelson  |  Kettlebells 

3 Rounds for Time:

20 Calorie Row
15 Box Jump Overs, 24/20″
20 One-arm Kettlebell Snatches
15 Toes to Bar
–rest 1:00–

Load: 53/35lbs
Cap: 17 mins

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): After warming up some Box step ups to get the body warm, focus on spending some time with the KB. Warm up with some single arm KB swings, and practice the snatch tecnhiqe. Finally, use some kip levers, and v-ups to get the body ready for TTB. 

Stimulus: Muscle endurance and KB work. 

Strategy: he goal here is sustainability. Know when to push your paces and when to maintain. There is a 1 minute rest between rounds, which should allow you to push harder, but still know there’s more work to be done. For the KB snatches, make sure to use a weight that will you to move with good form and hold onto bigger sets. These are one-arm snatches, so you can switch arms at any time.

  • KB Snatch- For the snatch, the focus should be on using the hinge position to maintain close proximity and a tight path of the kb in relation to the body in the pull and extension. Meet the KB at its weightless point to allow for a smooth transition, and think about punching through the bell. You can use a return to the shoulder and then hip if needed. 


Do you struggle with overhead movements like shoulder to overhead or jerks? Here are some great mobility drills for you!


Want to learn more?

Shoulder Mobility can be one of the major keys to unlocking any movements overhead. Check out our Shoulder Range of Motion Course  to unlock your overhead positions!

This workout came from our WODprep RX Track! Want more workouts like this? 
RX Daily Programming.

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