Workout of the Day

Halloween Helen

Written By Nelson  |  Benchmark Workouts 


3 Rounds for Time:

400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull-ups

Cap: 15 mins

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): For Helen, hit a warm up run and some calf raises to get the heart moving. some good mornings and inchworms will help the back and shoulders for the swings and pull ups. Finish with some pull up technique work. 

Stimulus: Benchmark Tester

Strategy: The KB weight should be unbroken and almost a rest. The pull ups can be broken into smaller sets, but should be on top of it. Sub a foot elevated ring row if needed. If you can do both unbroken, it becomes a running workout.

  • Kettlebell Swings – These are American today, so all the way overhead. Make sure to keep a tight line on the kettlebell not all the way out. Focus on tight lats and shoulder for the swings

  • Pull ups-  Butterfly pull ups would be the most efficient method of pullups if you can. If not, traditional kipping may be best, but avoid strict pull ups. Focus on smaller sets. 


Take your pull ups to the next level with some tips from Ben at WODprep!


Looking to gain an extra edge on your kipping pullups? Check out some of our courses!


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