Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Conditioning 

For Time

15 Front Squats
200m Run
12 Front Squats
200m Run
9 Front Squats
200m Run
6 Front Squats
200m Run

Load: 135/95lbs

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): For this workout, use a warm-up that activates your legs, hips, and core for squats and primes your heart rate for sprints.

Stimulus: Anaerobic Squatting 

Strategy: Keep front squats unbroken or split into two quick sets. Run at 75-80% effort and save a sprint finish for the final 200m.

  • Front Squats– Ensure your movement quality is high. When driving the Barbell up, drive your feet onto the floor.  

  • Run– Try to increase pace as you progress through the workout. 



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