Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Wall Walks 

6 min AMRAP:… Devil’s Press… Weighted Box Step Overs… Wall Walks

–rest 4:00–

For Time:

10, 8, 6, 4, 2 renegade row
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 bodyweight box stepover
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 hand release pushup

(5 Minute Cap on Part B)


The starting number in Part B is based on the round you make it to on the amrap. So if you make it to the round of 10 db box stepovers, your ‘for time’ piece starts at 10 and counts down.


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Starting on a warmup jog will get the body ready to go. Once warm, we have a lot of hinging and pressing in today’s piece. A handstand hold or wall walk hold against the wall will be good, along with some wrist circles to get the wrist ready to take on the load. Some banded good morning can be helpful to get our hinge ready with our box work. 

Stimulus: Pacing and fatigue accumulation 

Strategy: We have both an AMRAP and a ‘for time’ piece today. You’ll start the AMRAP hitting multiple full rounds in the first 2 minutes. remember that with ascending ladders, the goal is to move as smoothly as you can.

Remember that Part B has easier movements, so you will want to come out pushing to finish under the Cap.

  • Devil’s Press- The Devil’s press will naturally be a slower movement. Don’t feel like you need to rush these movements, rather focus on using as much hip hinge and pop as you can.
  • Wall walks- Positioning and efficiency are critical here. Only walk as far back as you can keep a good hollow position in your wall walk. Think long stable arms.
  • Renegade Row– Rememver for the renegade row today, It will be alternating reps, so each time you pull the dumbbell to your chest = 1 rep. 


Burning out on wall walks? Check out our video to get the BEST strategies:


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