Workout of the Day

Ice Age

Written By Nelson  |  Rope Climbs 

Every 2:00 x12 Rounds

Round 1: 8 Shuttle Runs + 4 Rope Climbs
Round 2: 20/15 Calorie Bike + 15 Strict Handstand Push-ups
Round 3: 25 GHD Sit Ups


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): We have a mix of pulling, pushing, and midline work in our workout today. Use dead hang from both the bar and the rope to warm up the lats. With the push, start with some scapular push-ups and inchworms, and get some negatives in to get the handstand pushup pattern feeling loose. Also make sure to use some side plank to warm up the back, because shuttle runs and GHDs can blow up the lower back if you’re not careful. 

Stimulus: Volume Accumulation 

Strategy: Today’s Workout is a longer volume builder. You will want to make sure you are using appreciate rep schemes to get about 30 seconds of rest in the first round, 30 seconds in the second round, and closer to a minute in the last round. Scaling the volume will help make this doable for a longer chunk of time. 

  • Shuttle Runs– Make sure to focus on trying to make every run the same, alternating the direction of your turns, and if you can, try to count your steps!

  • Rope Climb–  We have some Rope Climbs that need to be done a little bit faster than normal today. With that being said, form is still a major focus. If comfortable, a jumping start will be the best bang for your buck. Jump up with long arms, and get a good bite on the rope. Think of your body like a spring, making yourself as long as possible when reaching and small as possible, when you’re wrapping.

  • Echo Bike– Getting the Echo bike started quickly will be your best bet. Once you settle into your pace, utilize the driving of your legs, until they get tired, and then also make sure to utilize the pushing of your arms to take some of the work off of your legs. 

  • Strict Handstand Push up– Having a strong kickup and lockout position is important in the strict HSPU. Send your body toward the wall in a straight line, and drive hard to extension.

  • GHD Situps– Having the proper setup is key here. Have your hips slightly off the pads. Bend your legs slightly as you descend to activate your glutes and hamstrings, and snap up aggressively to complete the rep. Remember to breathe!


Wanting to perfect your Rope Climbs? Watch this video from Ben to learn how to make the best wrap!

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