Workout of the Day

Infinity Gauntlet

Written By Nelson  |  Bar Muscle Ups 

For Time:

800m Row
40 Air Squats
25 V -ups

600m Row
30 Goblet Squats
20 Toes to Bar

400m Row
20 Wall Balls, 20/14lbs
10 Bar Muscle Ups

(Goblet Squat load is your choice)

WODprep Strategy Top Tips

Warm-up (10 minutes): Warm up with a row that will allow you to understand what your row pace will be. Once done there, this will blend nicely for your squat to get warm. Use some squat sky reaches, cossak squats, or goblet squats to get the hips going. Finally, warm up with some bar work, getting the shoulders primed for muscle ups and toes to bar. Hollow holds will be great as well. 

Stimulus: Squat and Gymnastics Density 

Strategy: Starting with the row, there’s not any point in coming hot out of the gate, so pick a pace that will allow you to move right onto the air squats. For all squatting movements, aim for movement efficiency over rep speed. With the gymnastics movements, don’t be afraid to break sets up to be more manageable. For Goblet Squats, weight should be something you can do 10 reps at a time. 

  • Toes to Bar– We have larger sets, so breaking up from the begiiining won’t be a bad idea. Use a long leg pattern until you get tired, then utlize the tuck and scoop

  • Bar Muscle ups– Aim to have the BMU done in two sets. Think long arms and big hip drive as you turnover on the bar. If you don’t have BMU, a strict pull up or assisted pullup would be a good scale today


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