For Time:
75 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls, 20/14lbs
6 Power Snatches @185/125 lbs
rest 2:00
75 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls
8 Power Snatches @ 165/115 lbs
rest 2:00
75 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls
10 Power Snatches @155/105 lbs
rest 2:00
75 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls
12 Power Snatches @ 135/95 lbs
WODprep Strategy Top Tips:
Warm-up (5-7 minutes): Today’s triplet will require warming up your squat, overhead, and calved for double unders. Get the body warm with some single unders/skipping rope. Once warm, use goblet squats, bootstrap squats, and a light sotts press, if you are able, to warm up for both the squat and the snatch at the same time. Once warm, start warming up your power snatch. A good idea for this is to get a rep or two on your opening bar before you start.Â
Stimulus: Snatch Battery works with a descending weight and ascending rep scheme.
Strategy: Today we are drilling more battery work and snatch fatigue. The bar starts heavy and gets lighter. We want rounds to stay at a similar pace as the bar gets lighter. stay within yourself for the DU and WBs so you can be smooth on your snatchesÂ
- Double Under– The double unders are the sneaky part of today’s workout. Ensure you have arms tight by your side, and use your wrists, so that your already tired shoulders don’t have to do any more work than they need to.
- Wall Ball– Start with the ball about an arm’s distance away from the wall. Keep feet engaged, and chest upright. Remember to breathe normally. Also, what’s super important is keeping your hands underneath the ball instead of on the sides. These don’t need to be unbroken today. Make them smooth and focus on the snatch.Â
- Power Snatch– Keeping the bar close, squeeze your legs and drive the barbell off the ground, into position 1 (hip pocket) where you will drive and extend your body to get the bar overhead into your power position.
Snatch More Weight with These 5 Drills! Check out our video below:
Looking for 1-on-1 Coaching to start feeling great in the gym?
Schedule a call with our Head Coach, Dr. CJ. *Limited spots available.
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