Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Pull-up 

For Time:

60 Calorie Row
50 Pull-ups
40 Deadlifts, 135lbs/95lbs
30 Bar Facing Burpees

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (5-7 minutes): With a short-style chipper today, you’ll want to get your heart rate up decently.

Use the rower in your warmup to get your hinge ready, along with some good mornings and some plank holds. Then, continue warming up with some kip swings and some tempo push-ups for our pull-ups and burpees. 

Stimulus: Classic CrossFit®  Chipper. Push pace where you can, and be smart where you need to.   

Strategy: We’re tapping into our true CrossFit®  roots today with a classic style CrossFit®  chipper. Take the row as an opportunity to settle in, but push the pace if you can. Pullups should be whatever sets you need to not need too much rest and keep chipping. For the deadlifts, you’ll be tired, but try to hold onto big sets. With the bar-facing burpees, settle in, and empty the tank when you feel ready. 

  • Kipping Pull-ups- utilize the butterfly if you can. Smart breaks and a descending rep scheme are what we recommend. This means opening with a bigger set and making the next set smaller as you fatigue.
  • Deadlifts- We have a light to moderate weight deadlift today. Keep engaged in your back and shoulders, and breathe through those bigger sets. 

Are you wanting to learn how  to do butterfly pull ups? In this video Coach Ben gives a few simple drills to develop the patterns you need to do butterfly pull ups.

Want to go to the next level and be the best in the gym? Check out our awesome resources:

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