Workout of the Day

The Lands Between

Written By Nelson  |  Thrusters 

2:30 AMRAP
15 Deadlifts
12 Hang Power Cleans
9 Thrusters
–Max Calorie Row in remaining time–

–rest 1:30–

X4 sets


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): 

Stimulus: Aerobic Power and barbell conditioning 

Strategy: Get the heart rate going with some rows, increasing intensity every 20 seconds or so. Hit some good mornings and plank holds to get the back ready to maintain good form for those deadlifts, clean, and thrusters. 

  • Deadlifts: Keep your back straight and engage your core. Use your legs to drive the weight up and control the descent to avoid unnecessary strain.

    Hang Power Cleans: Aim to hold onto bigger sets with this being once through each interval. 

    Thrusters: Focus on using the momentum from your legs to drive the bar overhead. Lock out your arms at the top for full extension.


Thrusters! Love em or hate em, you won’t get far in CrossFit without embracing them!

Looking to get super strong in your lifts? Check out our WPx Strength program designed to put pounds on those lifts! Click the link here to check it out!


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