Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Bar Muscle Ups 

For Time:

17 min AMRAP:

16 Single Arm Dumbbell Box Step Overs
15 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks
7 Bar Muscle Ups

*20 inch box for males and females

Load: 50/35lbs

WODprep Strategy Top Tips

Warm-up (10 minutes): Use the step-ups as an opportunity to get warm and the hear rate elevated. From there, hit some good mornings and inchworms to get the thing and press ready for the clean and jerks. From there, utilize a few drills to get Muscle ups warm. Kip levers, box muscle ups, or banded muscle ups could all be used here. 

Stimulus: Pacing in longer AMRAPS + Grip Endurance 

Strategy:  Today’s Workout is sneaky on the Grip. Make sure to use dynamic movement and action from the hip on all the movements today to prevent forearm fatigue. Steady pace on the box, and hold onto the clean and jerks. Break the Muscle ups in smart sets if you need.

  • Weighted Box Step Overs- With only one Dumbbell, you will want to push the pace more than you think here. Make sure at least one hand is still on the dumbbell at all times. 

  • Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks- Deadlift Dumbbell to full hip and knee extension. Make sure to use as much hip and as little bicep as you can in the Clean, and lockout on the jerk. For this format, you are going to hit all 9 reps on one side, and then the other. 
  • Bar Muscle-ups– Aim to have the BMU done in two sets. Think long arms and big hip drive as you turnover on the bar. If you don’t have BMU, a strict pull up or assisted pullup would be a good scale today.


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This workout came from our WODprep Competitor Programming! Check out more workouts like this one! 

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