Workout of the Day

Lucky Fives

Written By Nelson  |  Strict Pull-Up 

12 min AMRAP:
5 Strict Pull-up
5 Shuttle Runs
5 Strict HSPU or 8 Hand Release push ups
50 Double Unders

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Start with light machine work and dynamic shoulder warm-ups because this will elevate your heart rate and prep your upper body for strict movements. Next, include scapular pull-ups and banded shoulder presses to activate pulling and pressing muscles. Finish with single-unders or light doubles to warm up the calves and improve coordination for double-unders.

Stimulus: Strict pulling and pushing volume

Strategy: Focus on smooth, unbroken sets of strict pull-ups and HSPUs/push-ups early on to avoid burnout. Maintain steady pacing on shuttle runs and stay calm during double-unders to minimize misses.

  • Strict Pull-ups: Engage the lats fully and avoid kipping. Use a band if needed for scaling.

  • Shuttle Runs: Focus on efficient turns by staying low and pivoting quickly.

  • Strict HSPUs/Push-Ups: Maintain core engagement to prevent arching; scale to a box or hand-release push-ups if necessary.

  • Double-Unders: Keep the wrists loose and elbows tucked for efficiency. Practice singles if needed for pacing.

Do you have the strength needed for strict pull-ups?

In this video, we give some quick tips and drills to work on to develop the strength needed for you to get your first strict pull-up.

Want to learn more?


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