Workout of the Day

To the Max

Written By Nelson  |  Shuttle Runs 

18 Min EMOM:

Min 1: 2 Shuttle runs + Max Dual DB Hang Power Cleans
Min 2: 5 Burpees over Dumbbell + Max Dual Dumbbell Hang Snatch
Min 3: Rest


Each round increases the shuttle runs and burpees by 1 rep.


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Start off on a bike or a jog to get the legs going. From there, utilize some banded good mornings to prepare our hinge for all the burpees and dumbbell work. Finish with some shuttle run technique prep to dial in your runs. 

Stimulus: Pacing in an increased work setting. 

Strategy: Just because we have an EMOM doesn’t mean things can’t get a little spicy. With the buy-in movements, come out with a smooth pace. knowing you’ll be doing more each round. More importantly, you have to ride the line closely on the max reps. You will have a lot of time in the first 2 rounds to accumulate reps, but don’t want to get too aggressive. This should get hard around rounds 4 and 5.

  • Dumbbell movements- For today’s Dumbbell movements focus on using as much hip and core as possible. The arms will be needed for the burpees, and we’ll want to make sure we can make these snatches and cleans as efficient as possible. 

  • Shuttle Runs- For Shuttle runs, make sure you are not jumping across the line or cutting too hard. Use a nice pivot foot to turn and accelerate into your next rep. 


If you struggle with shuttle runs, watch the video below, where Ben will give you the best tips to improve your shuttles! 


Want to learn more?

Want more workouts like this one? This workout was taken from our Master’s RX Programming!


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