Workout of the Day

Milk ‘n’ Cookies

Written By Nelson  |  Toes To Bar 

2:00 on the clock

12 Toes to Bar
20 American Kettlebell Swings, 53/35lbs
Max Cal Bike in the remaining time

–rest 2:00–

x4 rounds

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Start with light cardio (e.g., 2 minutes on the bike or rower) to elevate your heart rate and prep your body for dynamic movement. Follow with hip openers and thoracic stretches to prepare for toes-to-bar and kettlebell swings. Finish with a short flow: 6 hanging knee raises, 10 Russian kettlebell swings, and 5 calories on the bike to prime your core, grip, and movement transitions.

Stimulus: Grip work and bike power output

Strategy: Approach this workout with pacing in mind to maximize consistent effort across all four rounds. For toes-to-bar, aim for steady sets, breaking early to avoid grip fatigue. Use smooth, powerful hip drive for the kettlebell swings; avoid excessive shoulder strain. On the bike, focus on maintaining a sustainable pace during early rounds but push harder in the final seconds to maximize calories. The two-minute rest should be used to recover your breath and prepare for the next round.

  • Toes to Bar- Maintain a tight kip; focus on rhythm and engaging the lats for consistent reps. Scale to hanging knee raises if needed.

  • American Kettlebell Swings- Use hips to drive the movement; keep arms relaxed and finish with the bell fully overhead. Scale to Russian swings if needed.

  • Bike- Use smooth, controlled pacing for efficiency, saving max effort for the final calories of each round.

Need help with T2B?

I’m going to teach you a step-by-step process that will finally get you to unbroken, kipping toes to bars.

Want to learn more?

FREE Toes to Bar Training Course.
Check out our Toes to Bar Progression article.

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