13-Min AMRAP:
1-2-3-4… Clean & Jerks
1-2-3-4… Toes-to-Bar
Load: Choice, but no more than 70% of 1rm Clean and Jerk
WODprep Strategy Top Tips:
Warm-up (10 minutes): We’ll ease into today’s workout by activating shoulders, legs, and core. Muscle cleans help warm up the power needed for Clean & Jerks. This will be done by using empty bar muscle cleans and presses, along with some bar hangs and scapular pull-ups.
Stimulus: Grip endurance and barbell capacity
Strategy: Steady pacing will be key as you progress. Small Sets on the Toes to Bar deep into this, along with singles on the clean and jerks could be an effective strategy. The weight here will play a big role. A recommended weight would be 185/125. This could be heavier or lighter depending on your clean and jerk, but no more than 70%.
- Clean and Jerk– Note the bar should be heavy, but doable. Few of us will be repping out multiple reps of this last bar. Singles are okay. Just keep pushing through the reps and start slow.
- Toes to bar- Unless you have a deep toe to bar capacity, a goal here would be to break the reps into smaller sets as smoothly as you can.
Do Toes to bar hold you back in workouts? Watch this video to build your bar skills
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