Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Snatch 

EMOM 20 (4 Rounds):

Min 1- 9 Hang Power Snatches, 155/105 lbs
Min 2- 12 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
Min 3- 40-Second Hollow Hold
Min 4- 10/8 Cal Bike
Min 5- Rest

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes):Snatches, wall balls, and core work require coordination and stability. Light snatches refine pulling mechanics, while hollow holds activate your core for stability.

Stimulus: Mixed Aerobic work 

Strategy: Complete each station within 40-50 seconds to ensure rest time. Break wall balls into two sets if necessary, and maintain controlled effort on the hollow hold to avoid fatigue.

  • Hang Power Snatches– Keeping the bar close, squeeze your legs and drive the barbell off the ground to stand.  Keep the bar tight to the body as you pass through position 2 (top of the knees) into position 1 (hip pocket) where you will drive and extend your body to get the bar overhead into either your power position.

  • Hollow Hold- Press lower back into the floor and shoulders off the ground. You can bring your knees in if needed to ensure a quality hold for the entire duration. 


Snatch More Weight with These 5 Drills! Check out our video below:

Looking for 1-on-1 Coaching to start feeling great in the gym?
Schedule a call with our Head Coach, Dr. CJ. **Limited spots available**.

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