Workout of the Day

Pumpkin Patch

Written By Nelson  |  Snatch 

For Time:

GHD Situps
Hang Power Snatch, 115/75lbs

–50 Double unders after each round–


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Today’s combo is very ab and arm centric. Hit some hollow holds and a push up plank to get everything warm. Then spend some time on your snatch prep and some double under practice 

Stimulus: Midline intensity and grip fatigue

Strategy: Today’s piece is a lot of dense work all back to back. Come out on the GHDs smoothly and remember to breath. The Hang power Snatch should be a weight that allows you to hold onto a bigger set than you may want to ,so going for 2-3 sets will be smart here. The double under should take around 30 seconds, and no more than a minute

  • Hang Power Snatch- Use a high hang snatch to be efficient and get the bar back overhead quickly.

  • Double unders- The double unders today shouldn’t be a bottleneck, so if needed, hold the double unders to a clock,  drop the volume, or go to singles. 


Snatch More Weight with These 5 Drills! Check out our video below:

Looking for 1-on-1 Coaching to start feeling great in the gym?
Schedule a call with our Head Coach, Dr. CJ. **Limited spots available**.

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