Workout of the Day

Rack em’ Up

Written By Nelson  |  Clean & Jerk 

12 min AMRAP
2 Clean and Jerks
4 Chest to Bar pull ups
8 Burpee over the bar


After round 2,4,6 increase the weight on the clean and jerk
Load: Opening weight, 135/95 lbs, increase as you see fit

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): With heavy clean jerks in our workout, the majority of our warmup should be building around warming up our lifts. Some goblet squats, front rack openers, and a good clean and jerk warmup will get you prepared. Finally, some touches on chest to bar will get you ready

Stimulus: Barbell capacity under fatigue

Strategy: In our AMRAP today we have a choose your own adventure in terms of load. Ideally, we should be increasing weights for each jump by 10-20lbs, unless you feel very confident in your barbell capacity, in which case you can get more aggressive.

  • Clean and Jerk– The clean and jerks can be progressive or aggressive jumps based on how you feel. Remember it is still an AMRAP, so we shouldn’t be needing too much time in between lifts. Think of this as a speed ladder in comparison to finding a heavy lift. 

  • Chest to Bar- Whether doing a C-Kip or butterfly, make sure you have a good grip on the bar. Aim to wrap your thumb around. Sets should be larger and shouldn’t take a ton of time in a piece like this, so scale volume accordingly



Do you struggle with front rack mobility and position during the power clean or front squat? Try these drills!

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This workout came from our Competitor’s programming.
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