Workout of the Day

Salmon Ladder

Written By Nelson  |  Wall Walks 

Every 6:00 x4 Sets

400-meter Run
12 Dumbbell Thrusters
6 Strict Pull-ups
3 Wall Walks
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Load: 50/35lbs

(Cap at 4:30 per round if not completed )


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Starting on a warmup jog will get the body ready to go. From there, squatting, pulling, and pushing are our main themes. So some goblet or air squats, bar hangs, and wall-facing handstand holds will be the most advantageous for us. 

Stimulus: Pacing and fatigue accumulation 

Strategy: We’re aiming to get about 2 minutes of rest or more per interval here. Aim for a run distance you can get done in 2:30 or less. The Thrusters should be unbroken, and the strict pull-ups and wall walks should be steady. Modify those movements as needed. 

  • Dumbbell Thrusters- grip on the dumbbell is one of the more important aspects. Aim to hold in the middle of the dumbbell, and stabilize the dumbbell by holding on top of the shoulder.

  • Strict Pull-ups- These should be done in 1-2 sets. If you need to, drop to a banded pull-up, or a ring row or box assisted pull-up.

  • Wall walks- Positioning and efficiency are critical here. Only walk as far back as you can keep a good hollow position in your wall walk. Think long stable arms.


Burning out on wall walks? Check out our video to get the BEST strategies:


Need help with nailing those RX workouts?



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