Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Toes To Bar 

4 Rounds for Time:

200m Run
20 Deadlifts
15 Burpees
15 Toes to Bar

Load: 115/75lbs

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): The glutes, back, and hamstrings are going to be worked today, so a really good warmup will be key. Some side planks, inchworms, and banded good mornings will be a good way to get the posterior chain activated. Then hit some kip levers and toes to air to get prepped on the bar before you start. 

Stimulus: Posterior Chain endurance

Strategy: This will be a spicier one today. Come out on a slightly more aggressive pace on the run than you may want to. Remember good form on the deadlifts and hold onto those for either an unbroken set or big sets. Find a steady pace on the burpees, and transition quickly to the bar.

  • Deadlift- The deadlift is lighter, and you will be able to hold onto bigger sets, but focus on having good form. It will be really easy to move quickly throughout the deadlifts and blow up the lower back. Avoid this by moving fluidly and have good positions, and even breaking if you need to. 

  • Toes to Bar– Jumping up in a good hollow position with a good grip will be essential to starting your set off strong. Utilize the tuck and scoop as you fatigue in these reps. 


Need help with T2B?

I’m going to teach you a step-by-step process that will finally get you to unbroken, kipping toes to bars.

Want to learn more?

FREE Toes to Bar Training Course.
Check out our Toes to Bar Progression article.

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