Workout of the Day

Solar Beam

Written By Nelson  |  Burpees 

Every 3:30 x 3 sets

2 rounds:
6 Dual Dumbbell Push Press
7 Dual Dumbbell Front Squat
8 Burpees over the DB

Load: 40/25lbs
(Cap at the 2:00 mark)

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Our workout to end the week is very intense. You’ll want to warm up your squat positions, so hit some goblet squats with some ankle mobilizations. Also, use some scapular pull-ups to get ready for the push press. Finally, a few pacing rounds will be very helpful in preparation. 

Stimulus: Anaerobic/lactic threshold work.  

Strategy: Our intervals today are meant to really push the pace. Start by coming out aggressive on the push press and go right into the front squats. Hit the burpees over the DBs with some intensity aiming, to get right back onto the Push Press. The goal should be to get this done in or around 1:30. 

  •  Dual Dumbbell Push Press- Utilize the hip drive with these reps, but make sure you are locking out the hip and knees, and trying not to redip.

  • Front Squats– With the Db front squats, make sure you are in a good front rack position with the DBs on your shoulders. Also, make sure to stand all reps up to the extension of hips and knees. of the squat, using as much of your hips and as little of your arms as possible.



Burpees aren’t going anywhere, so we give you some tips to turn them into a strength!

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