Workout of the Day

Sugar ‘n’ Spice

Written By Nelson  |  Toes To Bar 

For Time:

50 Wall Balls, 20/14lbs
40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Dual Dumbbell Front Squats
10 Strict Pull-ups

Load: 50/35lb Dbs
Time Cap: 12:00

WODprep Strategy Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes):Ā There’s a little bit of everything in our piece today. A goblet squat/bootstrap squat could be a good place to start. Some hinging with an inchworm or good morning can also be effective. Finally, hit some kip swings and levers to get ready for the toes to bar.Ā 

Stimulus: Density/ Chipper work

Strategy: With a big chipper, you will want to be smart with breaking your movements up with minimal rest. The wall balls could be broken up into 2-3 sets with a little break. The dumbbell snatches should be held onto for longer than you may want to, aiming for 2 sets. The toes to the bar could be broken up into 3 sets or so. Break the front squats if you can, and empty the tank on the strict pull-ups.


  • Toes-to-Bars– Smart sets here. Have a full grip with your thumb wrapped around the bar on these toes to bar. Have a tight kip swing, and focus on keeping your legs straight as you push through your lats. Open back up with a tight kip to string your reps together.

  • Wall Balls- Have your hands as much underneath the ball as you can. An upright torso is critical in maintaining a good wallball positionĀ 


Need help with T2B?

I’m going to teach you a step-by-step process that will finally get you to unbroken, kipping toes to bars.

Want to learn more?

FREE Toes to Bar Training Course.
Check out our Toes to Bar Progression article.

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