Workout of the Day

Squat Circles

Written By CJ DePalma  |  Weightlifting 

In 10 minute:

Establish a 3RM Hang Snatch (UB)

At 15:00 mark

15:00 AMRAP
5 Squat Snatch (from the ground) @70% of your 3RM
10 C2B
15 Calorie Row

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

If you’re a CrossFit athlete that’s looking to hit the bigger competitions, you’ll see this style of workout repeatedly coming up in qualifiers. If you’re finding yourself getting chewed up and spat out, then this will be perfect for you. Nothing in CrossFit comes easy. It literally requires blood, sweat and tears.

Don’t let the low rep range deceive you. If you go out hot in this workout, round 10 will take your lunch money. The key to this workout is to go unbroken and find a smooth pace for all 100 burpees. If you mess up the pacing on this one, you’re going to crash and burn HARD.

Feel awkward when barbell cycling? Check out our video below:

Are you new to Weightlifting for CrossFit? If so, you’ll want to check this out before going any further!

Weightlifting is an advanced skill and these tips will help you figure out the various lifts that are sure to crop up in your WODs sometime soon!

Want to get faster and more efficient in your barbell WODs?

5 Snatch Drills Every CrossFitter Should Master (free video tutorial!):

P.S. Looking for 1-on-1 Coaching to start feeling great in the gym?
Schedule a call with our Head Coach, Dr. CJ. *Limited spots available.

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