Workout of the Day

Star Lord

Written By Nelson  |  Clean & Jerk 

20 min EMOM:

Station 1: 10-12 Echo/AB Calories
Station 2: 3-5 Wall Walks
Station 3: 50 Double Unders
Station 4: Max Rep Power Cleans
Station 5: Rest

Load: 225/155lbs or no more than 70%


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Today is primarily about the clean, so spend some time warming up the bike and wall walk and dubs. Then get an empty bar and begin a throughout clean warmup. 

Stimulus: Barbell Capacity

Strategy: Today is all about getting time spent on the Barbell. Pick a calorie and wall walk amount that will give you anywhere from 15-:30 seconds of rest. For the max reps, ensure you’re pulling the bar in a good position so you can fight the breakdown of form.  

  • Wall walks- Positioning and efficiency are critical here. Only walk as far back as you can keep a good hollow position in your wall walk. Think long stable arms

  • Power Clean- With Max reps, singles will be the way to go. Make sure this is a weight that you can get at least 3-5 reps of each round. It is designed to be heavy, but without fails, except potentially the last round.


Do you struggle with front rack mobility and position during the power clean or front squat? Try these drills!

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