Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  GHD 

12 min AMRAP:

200m run with med ball
40 Wallballs, 20/14lbs
20 GHD Situps
10 Power Cleans, 185/125lbs

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (5-7 minutes): Hit a 400m easy jog, into some air squats, empty bar deadlifts, and some V-ups. This will gradually elevate the heart rate and will prime explosive power for cleans & wall balls. 

Stimulus: GHD volume and clean intensity

Strategy: Running with the ball into wall balls will be tough, so go for small sets. The situps should be a place of rest, and choose a power clean weight that makes sense for steady singles. 

  • GHD Situps– Having the proper setup is key here. Have your hips slightly off the pads. Bend your legs slightly as you descend to activate your glutes and hamstrings, and snap up aggressively to complete the rep. Remember to breathe!

  • Power Clean –  The power cleans should be singles here. Set your feet, continue your pull while keeping your arms long, and catch above a squat position.

Want to improve your core? Check out our video below:

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