Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Burpees 

5-Minute AMRAP:

5 Power Cleans, 225/155lbs 
8* Bar facing burpees

–rest 3 min–

X2 sets

Increase by 2 reps every round
Restart back at 8 on 2nd AMRAP


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warmup (7-10 minutes): The cleans demand hip mobility and good mechanics. Jumping builds coordination for lateral hops.

Burpee capacity and power output. CP Battery 

Strategy:Push for clean technique in Part 1. In Part 2, keep a quick, consistent pace on power cleans and stay light on your feet for the burpees.

  • Power Cleans- These should be steady singles. No Need to touch and go because you’ll be doing 10 cleans in under 30 seconds with those first 2 sets. 

  • Burpees– Use a chest-first burpee approach to save time and energy on your press. 


Want to get better at burpees in your workouts? Check the video below!

Want to learn more?

THE BEST burpee course, at the most affordable price!

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