10 Intervals for max Reps
:30 work
:45 rest
30 Pull ups
30 burpee
30 TTB
30 Box Jump over
WODprep Strategy Top Tips:
Warm-up (10 minutes): Start with 1:00 Easy Row or Bike, because it’s a great way to raise your heart rate and prep for full-body movement. Next, do 10 Scapular Pull-Ups and 5 Slow Strict Pull-Ups, which will warm up your shoulders and grip for pull-ups. Follow with 10 Burpee Step-Backs to build core and hip activation. Finish with 10 Box Step-Ups and 5 TTB Progressions to prime the legs and midline for the workout.
Stimulus:Â Density chunk work, interval style
Strategy: You will do 10 rounds of the intervals. The goal is to keep the intensity high and hold the sets a little bigger than you’d normally do. So focus on working during the work interval instead of taking breaks within the work interval, then rest during the rest interval. Go through the list from the top following the intervals until you complete 10 total intervals. The score is the total reps completed.
- Pull-Ups: Maintain hollow body tension. Use a kip or butterfly for efficiency.
- Burpees: Keep a steady pace; focus on efficient up-and-down movement.
- Toes-to-Bar (TTB): Engage your lats for a strong kip. Control your swing to maintain rhythm.
- Box Jump Overs: Land softly, face the box, and step down or rebound for consistency.
Take your pull ups to the next level with some tips from Ben at WODprep!
Looking to gain an extra edge on your kipping pullups? Check out our courses!
This Workout came from our WODprep Competitor Track. Looking for more workouts like these?Â
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