Workout of the Day

Venture Time

Written By Nelson  |  Strict Pull-Up 

14 min AMRAP:

3 Strict Pull-Ups
6 Push-Ups
9 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)

**Can Partition individual rounds as needed**

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes):  Today’s warmup activates your lats, chest, and quads, matching the upper- and lower-body movements in the workout. Hit some banded lat push-downs, inchworms and scapular push-ups, and some bootstraps squats. 

Stimulus: Upper and Lower Mix 

Strategy: Choose rep splits that avoid early burnout. Aim to keep moving on wall balls with steady pull-ups and push-ups. For example, you can perform 2 strict pull-ups 4 push-ups, 9 wall balls, and 1 strict pull-up and the last 2 pushups. However you want to break the round, but all 18 reps must be completed for a round to count.

  • Strict Pull-ups- These should be a rep range that you could perform unbroken or in two very quick sets. Box-assisted pull-ups or tough ring rows would be the next scales so we can get right onto the next movement. Remember you can break these movements

  • Wall Balls- These should be set where it is either unbroken or you are breaking the set to move to another movement quickly. 

Do you have the strength needed for strict pull-ups?

In this video, we give some quick tips and drills to work on to develop the strength needed for you to get your first strict pull-up.

Want to learn more?


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