Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Overhead Press 

15 min AMRAP:

7 Push Press
9 Front Squats
15/12 Cal Row

Load: 135/95 lbs

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Today’s workout includes pressing, squatting, and rowing. Light dumbbell presses and goblet squats will prepare the upper and lower body for volume.

Barbell Battery Work 

Strategy: Maintain control on push presses and focus on smooth transitions. Utilize a 6 and 1 strategy for the push press. hit 6 reps, rest, then 1 rep into your set of front squats. Aim for unbroken front squats.  Push for consistent effort on the row.

  • Push Press- Focus on utilizing your hips as much as possible. Try to rerack int other dip of your next rep, but make sure not to rebend in the lockout position.

  • Front Squat- Remember to breath at the top of each rep. Ensure you are standing to full hip and knee extension. 


Looking to get stronger overhead? Check out the video below:

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