Workout of the Day

WODprep Gone Bad

Written By Nelson  |  Conditioning 

3 rounds for max reps (18 minute EMOM)
Min 1: Max Calories on Rower
Min 2: Max Lateral Burpee over DB
Min 3: Max WB (20/14), 10/9′)
Min 4: Max Alt. DB Snatch @50/35
Min 5: Shoulder to overhead @50/35s (2 DBs)
Min 6: Rest

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Start with 1:00 Easy Row or Bike to elevate your heart rate and activate the full body. Next, complete 10 Lateral Line Hops and 5 Burpee Step-Backs, which will prepare your lower body and core for burpee transitions. Perform 10 Dumbbell Deadlifts into 5 DB Snatch (each arm) to warm up your posterior chain and build overhead stability. Finally, finish with 15 Air Squats into 10 Light Wall Ball Throws to engage your legs and shoulders for the wall balls.

Stimulus: Fight gone bad style 

Strategy: If you’re able to keep track of the reps for each movement each round, it’s great. At least keep track of the total reps from each 6 minute chunk to see if your numbers fall off. Move at a smooth 85-90% cadence, leaving something in the tank for the last round.

  • Row: Keep a consistent stroke rate; focus on powerful pulls and smooth returns.

  • Lateral Burpee Over DB: Stay low and maintain rhythm; jump laterally with soft landings.

  • Wall Balls: Aim for the target, use your legs to drive the movement, and maintain consistent breathing.

  • DB Snatch: Use a hinge pattern, and keep the dumbbell close for efficiency. Alternate hands every rep.

  • Shoulder to Overhead: Dip and drive with your legs for power, and maintain a tight midline for stability.

Want to improve your Rowing technique? Check out the video below:

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