Workout of the Day

Yeah Nahhhh

Written By Charleh Knighton  |  Burpees 

5 rounds for Time
20/16 calorie Airbike
15 Burpees to a 6 inch Target


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

For this 5-round CrossFit workout, pacing is key. Begin with a strong but sustainable pace on the Airbike, aiming to complete 20/16 calories in 1-1.15 minutes. Transition swiftly to 15 burpees, focusing on efficient movement and controlled breathing.

In rounds 2-4, maintain a consistent Airbike pace and smooth transitions. Consider breaking burpees into smaller sets if necessary.

In the final round, give your all, pushing the Airbike and digging deep on burpees. Stay mentally tough and finish strong, sprinting to the end. Prioritize proper form, hydration, and listen to your body. Warm up properly and use a timer to track each round’s time.


Box jumps maybe simple, but with practice, you can crush workouts with a few extra tips:

Want to learn more?

THE BEST burpee course, at the most affordable price:

Want an in depth look at the 5 Daily Habits that I swear by? If you’re a CrossFit athlete, you’ll want to know how these can level up your performance. Get your free guide on my homepage: FREE CROSSFIT® HABITS GUIDE

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