1on1 Rehab
With Our Physical Therapy Team

Watch this 5 min video to learn more how you can change your life.



  • Fully customized program to fit YOU as an individual
  • 24/7 access to your coach via TrueCoach DM Platform
  • Feel 100% Confident to overcome any challenges in your fitness

Do You Feel Like Reoccurring Injuries Are Holding You Back?

Imagine if you could overcome any injury or pain with a supportive teams of experts who know EVERYTHING about your body.

  • Don’t settle for generic programs that don’t align with your goals.
  • Stop feeling like you’re just another number in a group class.
  • Imagine having a plan crafted specifically for you.
  • Feel excited about workouts designed to address your weaknesses.
  • Our coaches prioritize your goals and understand your busy life.
  • Achieve more with expert support:
    Your success is our passion.
One Athlete.
One coach.
One Platform.
One dream.
Together, we can do this.

WODprep is trusted by thousands of athletes around the world, with an average customer satisfaction score of 4.9/5.

What Our Athletes Say About Their 1-on-1 Experience?

What Can WODprep 1on1 Rehab Coaching Do For You?

Fully customized program to fit YOU as an individual

Movement assessment via video submissions

24/7 access to your coach via TrueCoach DM Platform

In house PTs to help work through injuries

Weekly video reviews for the entire week.

Live calls with your coach align fitness challenges & goals

Here's How 1on1 Rehab Works?

Booking yourself in for a free discovery call is for exactly that - both for our Head Coach, CJ, to discover your goals and for you to discover what it's like to be part of the WODprep 1-on-1 family.

It's an informal Zoom call where we can discuss in detail how the program works and answer any questions you have.

There's zero pressure to sign up, so what are you waiting for...?

Coach Ben, Coach CJ and 1-on-1 Athlete Dave going to the CrossFit Games

1. Assigned a coach that matches your learning and communication style

It’s our primary focus to make sure you hit your fitness goals and have the best experience with WODprep. By establishing clear expectations and goals, you and your coach can work together effectively to navigate your fitness journey.

2. Free discovery call with your coach, capture your history & initial assessment

Together, you’ll discuss your goals, training history, and any challenges you’ve faced. This personalized session is the first step in crafting a tailored plan to help you achieve your

1-on-1 athlete, Katie, crushing it at her local competition

wodprep masters athlete

1-on-1 athlete John competing at the CrossFit Games

3. Start your custom programming and weekly reviews with your coach

Experience a customized performance assessment to ensure alignment between you and your coach regarding your current status and future objectives. This personalized evaluation will provide valuable insights into your strengths, areas for improvement, and overall progress.

Cool Bonuses to Help You Get the Most from Your Training

Join the WODprep Community Groups

Exclusive priority access to webinars

Merch discounts & WODprep Camp discounts

Mindset coaching and access to WODprep mindset course

Cancel Anytime. No Risk Guarantee.

You are completely protected by our 100% No-Risk Guarantee. If you don’t like 1on1 Rehab Coaching with our team physical therapists, you can cancel at any time.
No questions asked.

Get a Flavor Of Our 1-on-1 Coaching

Watch "Coaching with CJ" with real 1-on-1 Coaching Athlete, Charleh Knighton.
Originally join WODprep's 1-on-1 Coaching with lower back and shoulder pain.

We Love Our WODprep Family

Meet Your Coaches:


CEO + Founder

Dr. CJ

Head Coach
+ Physical Therapist


Product Manager
+ Double Under Specialist


Creative Director
+ WODprep Coach

Dr. Joe

WODprep Coach
+ Physical Therapist

WODprep Remote CrossFit Coach & Physical Therapist Kaley Kania

Dr. Kaley

WODprep Coach
+ Physical Therapist


WODprep Coach



Customer Happiness Manager
+ WODprep Coach

Results Guaranteed


You'll feel incredibly proud of how much progress you're making in your Skills, Strength, Engine, Mindset, Mobility, & Nutrition.


You'll feel confident you know exactly what to work on next.


You'll feel supported knowing you have the best programming and coaching team ready to help you break through those frustrating weaknesses.

WODprep Academy FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

At WODprep, we have an awesome support team that is dedicated to helping you have the best experience. If you have any questions or concerns, just email [email protected] and we will help. 

I really like working out with my class, will I have to leave that behind?

We totally understand that working out with your normal class is important to you. However, we find that if that’s your only training, you won’t see the best results. That’s why with WODprep 1:1 Coaching we offer a hybrid approach.

You can still attend some classes at your gym (if you want), and then your coach will create fully customized additional programming to help you fast-track your results. We are able to customize your plan depending on your needs, so schedule a free consultation call, and we can talk through your needs together!

Do I need to be training at a gym to be accepted for 1-on-1 Coaching?

No, many of our athletes train from home, some with limited equipment options. Our coaches work around what you have available.

How much support do I get from my coach?

Luckily, you have 1 year of access to the courses.
That means you can go at your own pace.
Get busy? Get injured in a WOD? No worries - just take your time and start again when you're ready!

Can I choose my own coach?

After your initial consultation, Head Coach CJ will assign you a coach who is a good fit for you based on your requirements. However, if you have a preference, let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate it!

I don’t have aspirations to compete, would this program still be a good fit for me?

Many of our athletes train only for health and happiness! Whatever matters to you, matters to us, whether it’s the CrossFit Games or running around with your grandchildren.

What kind of feedback can I expect from my coach?

Your coach will communicate with you regularly via written comments on Truecoach. As well, at a minimum, a weekly video review of your training videos that you submit.

How do I access my workouts?

You can see your workouts, along with video demos and log your results on the TrueCoach app, available on any device.

WODprep is trusted by thousands of athletes around the world, with an average customer satisfaction score of 4.9/5.

WODprep Students Get Incredible Results

More Results from WODprep Students

“It's not supposed to be this easy... It's definitely worth the price." - Mani

“I'm so happy with the progress I've made through Happy Hips.... I've made so much progress in a such a short amount of time." - Sho

“To see myself improve that much...it's changed my life as far as WODs go for me.” ~ Will

"There was nothing else out there other than WODprep that seemed comprehensive and legit." - John

“Now I can string 10 of them together, where before I could barely get two. - Heidi

"I found myself on top of the bar, and I didn't expect it. It was amazing. " - Holly

“Ben's got what looks like the best courses I've ever seen.” ~ Lane

”I’ve developed skills I never thought I would even attempt to do.”
   - WODprep graduates (Fredrik, Julie, Crystal) 

"I got my double unders back, and I'm able to string together toes to bar." - Terry 

“It's helpful because you can always get better. We can always get more efficient.” - Justin

"I knew I could Rx everything. It was a great feeling." - Andrew

"I achieved my first muscle up. I was the happiest guy in the world, like, "Damn it, I did it!" - Simone

"I could do zero before starting the Toes To Bar course. Now, I think my most I've done is 14." - Crystal

"WODprep was so helpful because they provided all the accessory work that the classes don't really target." - Cindy

Let's Chat. Tell Us About Your Goals

Talk to Head Coach CJ & we’ll show you how many athletes just like you have achieved their goals with WODprep's 1-on-1 Coaching.

WODprep is trusted by thousands of athletes around the world, with an average customer satisfaction score of 4.9/5.

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This site is not a part of the Facebook Website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Nothing on this page, our website, or any of our content or courses is a promise or guarantee of results, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. All the material within WODprep.com is provided for information purposes only and is not meant as personal medical advice. Readers should consult the appropriate health professional on any matter related to health, injury, pain, fitness, well-being, etc.

No action should be taken solely based on the information in WODprep.com. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider and is not engaging in the practice of medicine or any other healthcare profession and is not entering into any kind of practitioner/patient or practitioner/client relationship with its readers. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.

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