Workout of the Day

Double Dip

Written By Nelson  |  Snatch 

For Quality:

5 Power Snatch + 5 Squat Snatch
–rest 2:00–
4 Power Snatch + 4 Squat Snatch
–rest :90–
3 Power Snatch + 3 Squat Snatch
–rest 1:00–
2 Power Snatch + 2 Squat Snatch
–rest :30–
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch

Load: @70% of your 1RM Snatch


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): We have all the snatching today. Warming up with some overhead carries, bootstrap squats and PVC shoulder rolls is a good start. Then warming up your snatch positions with an empty bar will help prime for the workout. 

Stimulus: Snatch Density 

Strategy: This may not look like a lot of work at first, but the rep is meant to catch up with you on the back end. Be smart when attacking each rep. The goal here is no misses. If you are unsure of your 70%, these reps should be challenging, but failing shouldn’t ever be in the cards if we were to give you an unlimited amount of rest. The goal here is technique building under fatigue today. 

  • Snatches– Keeping the bar close, squeeze your legs and drive the barbell off the ground. Keep the bar tight to the body as you pass through position 2 (top of the knees) into position 1 (hip pocket) where you will drive and extend your body to get the bar overhead into either your power or squat position depending on the lift.


Snatch More Weight with These 5 Drills! Check out our video below:

Looking for 1-on-1 Coaching to start feeling great in the gym?
Schedule a call with our Head Coach, Dr. CJ. **Limited spots available**.

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