Workout of the Day

Bull Rush

Written By Nelson  |  Clean & Jerk 

For time:

20 Calorie Row
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24″)
10 Power Cleans

(6:00 time cap)

Load: 255/175 lbs


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Warm up your power clean to the working weight you plan on using. Once you dial in your pace for the row you want to use, perform a few primer rounds to get the body ready. A rep scheme of 6-4-1 or slightly larger can be helpful, with some larger chipmunks of rest before actually hitting this. 

Stimulus: Power Output

Strategy: To finish the week out, we have a shut your eyes and burn it kind of workout. Push the row from the beginning, and keep the momentum going. Make sure you’re not redlining on the burpees because you have to empty the tank on the cleans. 

  • Calorie Row- This row should be an aggressive effort. Don’t be afraid to push harder than you may think and then recover on the BBJO. Ensure you don’t have too much form breakdown! Spend some time in warmup to ensure you know what pace will work.
  • Burpee Box Jump Overs- For the Burpee, make sure you drop the chest first instead of the hip. Stay somewhat turned at a diagonal when facing the box, when catching on the box, stay low and in a squat, so you can transfer quickly toward the other side back into your burpee. Note higher box today. You can jump down safely from the 30” box if needed.

  • Power Clean– If you don’t plan on using the RX weight today, note that the bar should be heavy. Few of us will be repping out multiple reps of this last bar. Singles are okay. Just keep pushing through the 10 reps.



Do you struggle with front rack mobility and position during the power clean or front squat? Try these drills!

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