Workout of the Day

Stack em’

Written By Nelson  |  Deadlifts 

For time:

20 Deadlifts 
20 Shoulder to Overhead 

–rest :90–

15 Deadlifts
15 Shoulder to Overhead

–rest :90–

10 Deadlifts 
10 Shoulder to Overhead

Deadlifts: 275/185lbs
Shoulder to Overhead: 155/105 lbs

(13 minute time cap)


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): With a simple couplet, we’ll want to spend a lot of time warming up not only our bodies but our positions. Use some side planks, and dead bugs to activate our core for the deadlifts. Use some banded lat stretches and PVC front rack stretches to get our overhead ready to go. Some overhead carries may also be helpful. For the movements, spend some time practicing some reps at each weight jump to make sure you can hit smart sets at whatever weight you attack this with today. 

Stimulus: Challenging pairing of overhead pressing and posterior chain endurance. 

Strategy: This is a piece that must be strategized well to have success. Coming out too hot can ensure you’ll have a rough go of it. Break more than you think you may need to, and make sure whatever weights you choose, you can keep those sets somewhat consistent across the entirety of this piece.

  • Deadlifts- Our deadlifts today should be no more than 80% of your 1RM DL. Our sets don’t need to be large, but consistent across as we chip away at this challenging piece.

  • Shoulder to Overhead- Similar to our deadlift, this shoulder-to-overhead does not need to be done in large sets, but should be consistent across. Make sure you brace properly to keep the bar overhead and lockout with extended hips knees and shoulders.


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