Workout of the Day

Circus Act

Written By Nelson  |  Handstand Walk 

Buy In: (5:00 time cap)

200ft HSW (with a 360° pirouette every 50ft inside a 4×4 box)


400m Run
15 Dumbbell Strict Press @50/35 lbs
30/24 Calorie Bike
15 Dumbbell Bench Press same weight
400m Run
15 Dumbbell push Press same weight
30/24 Calorie Bike
15 Dumbbell Bench Press same weight
400m Run


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): We have a mix of aerobic work and some good old-fashioned pump work today. We’ll want to make sure we warm up our hips and glutes for the runs. Some hip switches, duck walks, and traveling inchworms and Frankensteins will do the trick.

For the pressing, once again utilize the inchworm along with the scapular push-ups to get ready for the variety of pressing. Finally, you should spend some time upside down to get yourself ready for the handstand walks. 

Stimulus: Higher skill gymnastics with Handstand walking along with Functional Bodybuilding. Strict pushing strength with light cardio interference. 

Strategy: When starting our piece, we have a larger Handstand walk buy-in. Also, notice the Pirouette. This should be something that can be played around with today, but with a 5-minute cap, you shouldn’t be including the pirouette if this is your first time doing it in a workout.

Once we’re through the handstand walks, we should be smooth sailing on these runs and bikes. A pace that is still working, but something you can confidently hold the entire time without much thought. For the pressing movements, these should be weights that you can knock out in one to two sets. You can get a little bit heavier today if you’re feeling good. 

  • Handstand Walks- Ensure you kick up behind the line. When walking, squeeze full arms into lockout to ensure stable walking. For the pirouette, stabilize through your midline and shift weight onto your one hand as you turn. Thinking of piked legs will help with the turn as well. Scale the volume and pirouette skill if needed.

  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press- Keep the midline engaged as you squeeze through your feet and hips. Tuck your rib cage down, so as to not flare your back, and lock out the dumbbells overhead.

  • Dumbbell Push Press- Similar Theme to the Strict press. Can recruit more hip drive into the movement, making sure once the dumbbells leave our shoulders, that are feet remain locked.

  • Dumbbell Bench Press- For the Bench press, there are some good strategies for getting started and finishing the movement. Start standing with the DBs slightly above your knees. When you go to sit down, rock your knees to your chest, and elevate the dumbbells as much as you can with straight arms, so you can start in a locked-out position.

    When finishing with the dumbbells, again tuck your knees into your chest, and rock forward to create a situp effect where the momentum is carrying the dumbbells to your knees as you stand.


Check the video down below for step by step on how to get better at Handstand Walking!


Want to know more about handstand walks (HSW)?


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