Workout of the Day


Written By Nelson  |  Conditioning 

Every 4:00 alternating between:

Round 1: 800/750m Row
Round 2: 2x (10 Shuttle Runs + 10 Line Facing burpees)

x6 Rounds (24 total minutes)


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (5-7 minutes): Another Pure aerobic piece today. Warm up your gait with some traveling lizard crawls, duck walks, Frankenstein, and eventually shuttles. This will also help warm up your row, but make sure to spend some time on the erg to dial-in technique.  

Stimulus: Aerobic repeatability

Strategy: Pure sweat sesh today. Move at paces that will give you about 1 minute of rest per movement. Dial back the meters or amount of shuttle runs if that doesn’t become the case, especially in the first few rounds. 

  •  Row for Meters– Remember that rowing when rowing for meters, there’s not a huge bang for your buck in terms of paces. So row at a pace you know you can sustain for the entire 20 mins.

  • Shuttle Runs– We have a very high volume of shuttle runs today. Establish a good pace, and make sure to use your arms to accelerate. Avoid jump turns or hard cutting. Pivot your lead foot to create more efficient transitions.


Want to improve your Rowing technique? Check out the video below:

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Check out our Online Programming for Competitive Athletes.
WODprep Competitor Track.

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WODprep 1:1 Coaching


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