Workout of the Day

Take a Seat

Written By Nelson  |  Ring Muscle Ups 

Part A:
3 Rounds:
10 Unbroken Pistols on Leg 1
10 Unbroken Pistols on Leg 2
20 GHD Sit Ups
5 Ring Muscle-ups

–rest 3:00–

(Cap at 10 minutes if not finished)

Part B:
1 Round for time:

30 Alternating Pistols
30 GHD Sit Ups
15 Ring Muscle-Ups

10:00 Time Cap


WODprep Strategy Top Tips

Warm-up (10 minutes):  We have a good chunk of pistols today. If needed, a large amount of time should be spent warming up the pistols.

Goblet squats with an ankle shift will get things started. Then move to a box-assisted pistol touchdown, a candle stick to the pistol, and pistol negatives. For the Muscle ups, utilize an assisted ring dip, ring support hold, and a low box transition to prime you. 

Stimulus: Pistol and Muscle up Capacity. Midline endurance on high-skill gymnastics 

Strategy: Today’s workout is a play on an old Crossfit® Quarterfinals test. The pistols will depend on your positioning. If you can maintain an upright torso, then great, but if not, then focus on being smooth because this will already disrupt your midline for the rest of the workout.

Pistols should be methodical, as should the GHDs so that you can push bigger Muscle sets. In Part B, focus on breaking if you need to for the GHDs and the pistols, so you can get the the muscle ups and chip away. 

  • Muscle-ups– We have Ring Muscle-ups today, so the focus here should be completing your reps with solid form, and not too much effort.

    Stay tight and patient in your kip as you rise out of your hollow, and a quick but powerful snap of the hips should be utilized to turn over on the rings. Keep your arms in tight as you drive your legs down to catch and drive out of the dip to lockout.

  • Pistol Squats- Focus on keeping good foot engagement to the ground. Start with a slight hip back motion, as you drive your knee over your toe in line with the middle of your foot.

    If you can keep your chest up without having to grab your nonworking leg great, if not, then grab your nonworking leg for stability. Aim to try to keep your heel of the working leg engaged through the floor throughout the entirety of the rep.

  • GHD Situps- Having the proper setup is key here. Have your hips slightly off the pads. Bend your legs slightly as you descend to activate your glutes and hamstrings, and snap up aggressively to complete the rep. Remember to breathe!


Ring Muscle Ups – Start Stringing Multiple Together!

Do you have one ring muscle up but can’t figure out how to string them together?

Check out our awesome content below:

Check out this free post on how to learn ring muscle ups
FREE cheat sheet on ring muscle ups, you’ll absolutely love!
Incredible 8 Week Course you have to try
My Ring Muscle Up Playlist you can watch now

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